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DAYS 16 - 17

Through the Swiss Alps to Lauterbrunnen! As we were gaining altitude on the winding roads in the hills, looking over the cliffsides down into the valleys, it was breathtaking, but we had no worries because Richard our bus driver was the best and got us safely to our destination.  Even high up in the hills on random mountainsides you could look out the window and see cows along the roadside.


We encountered a serious rainstorm just as we left a rest area.  As the rain began to hit our bus harder it gave the road a different view. This was the first day of our trip when we did not have sun with scorching temperatures.  For those of us from the Pacific Northwest, it was actually nice to see the rain which of course keeps the mountains green. Getting out of the bus we walked over a bridge with rushing water just beneath our feet.

This morning we rode the train up the hillside to Wengen and from there a select few of us who chose to do so purchased tram tickets to sit ON TOP of the gondola to take us even further into the Alps.

My mom was going to brave it, but when she went to purchase the outdoor tickets, she was informed there were only 2 remaining outside tickets available and not 3.  "Oh drats" she said, and offered up the two outside tickets to me and my brother. 

The view from the gondola was amazing, as we watched the buildings shrink as we climbed in latitude.  The view overlooking the valley was beyond words.


When we finally reached the top of the hillside, the sun was shining, cow bells were ringing, and the beauty was spectacular and breathtaking. We then went through the gates and walked right up to the friendly cows, who let us pet them as if they were just puppies.

Lauterbrunnen Valley: Services
Lauterbrunnen Valley: Pro Gallery
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